How to Display the WQA Phils Inc. Logo
The WQA Phils Inc. logo is the symbol for organizations whose Management Systems have been assessed by WQA Phils—Inc. as fulfilling the requirements.
It is a valuable marketing tool to promote the organization and service capability, and the client is encouraged to use it correctly.
As a WQA Phils Inc. registered firm, the client can:
● Use the logo as designed by WQA Phils Inc.:
● Use the logo on the following:
– Correspondence & Stationery (envelope, letterhead, etc.)
– Name card
– Advertising and promotional material (brochure, agenda, calendar, etc.)
– Website
✔ Use the logo on electronic media (e.g., the Internet) as long as safeguards are in place to prevent downloading
✔ It is permissible to use words describing the registered firm status as long as it is clear that the management system has been accepted, not the product.
✔ Use of any statement on product packaging or in accompanying information that the organization has a certified management system. Product packaging is considered as that which can be removed without the product disintegrating or being damaged.
How to Display the WQA Phils Inc. Logo
- The logos/marks must not be used in any way that might mislead the reader about the status or scope of the certification.
- The management system logo shall not be displayed on a product.
- The management system logo shall not be displayed on product packaging unless the following:
✔ wording (or similar approved wording) is included: “Product has been
manufactured in accordance with the quality management system complying with
ISO 9001”.
- The management system certification logos may not be displayed on certificates of analysis, conformity, calibration certificates, or testing certificates.
- Upon suspension or withdrawal of certification the use of all marks shall be discontinued immediately.